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Who Are You To Judge?


"If you look for the bad in people expecting to find it,

surely you will." - Abraham Lincoln


People are so quick to judge... they're so quick to point out other people's flaws, failing to see their own. And trust me, I'm not going to sit here and claim I haven't done it, and I'm sure if I sat and thought about it long enough, I'd find that I still do.

So many of us carry this mentality that everyone else should be perfect all the time, never making a mistake, never falling short. They give themselves immunity for their bad behavior, bad days, and bad choices, but everyone else that surrounds them must walk the straight and narrow, or else.

I personally think this mentality sucks.

You can watch somebody killing it for months, even years, and deep down you're cheering them on, but you won't say ANYTHING. Nothing positive ever comes out of your mouth or in most cases - off your keyboard - but let that same person, that you've been silently rooting for, get caught slipping and it's over, you blast them! We judge ourselves by our intentions but somehow think it's ok to judge everyone else based on their actions. How fair is that? We become angry and sometimes even bitter when the standards of other people don't equal those of our own. We have a clear idea about how everyone else should live their life, but never really look within to recognize how we're living our own. The judgments and contridictions ring loud... If you wear too much make-up, you're fake and trying to pretend to be something you're not. If you don't wear enough make-up you don't take pride in yourself and you're lazy. If you wear a low cut shirt or tight clothes you're easy and want attention. If you wear something less revealing you're a prude and need to show more skin. If you speak your mind you're a bitch but if you say nothing you're a snob or a sheep and the list goes on and on.

I have been misjudged the majority of my life. It's sad really. People look at my appearance, they see that I take care of myself and immediately jump to conclusions that I'm one of "those people". I don't even have the words to explain what I mean by "those people" but I feel sure you can assume your own interpretation. So, because I dress nice, have a nice body (that I work hard for), wear make-up and have "big hair", I'm labeled as conceited and 'high-maintenance', when that's not who I am at all!

And what about the people who are less fortunate, who don't dress like you, who can't afford to go to SAKS? Or the people who have underlying health issues who CAN'T lose weight? How about the tattooed, my sister has visible tattoo's and is beautiful, inside and out! What about the single mom who strips to put food on the table, you judge her, but she is probably working harder than most trying to keep things straight.

I just hate it...

I wonder how many opportunities we've all missed out on having this sort of mindset?! Seriously, think about that... how many times have you not given someone a chance because of how they looked? Whether it be on the good side of looks or the bad side. I can tell you with 100% certainty that I've missed a ton!

I think we all are notorious for making judgement calls. Remember though, at the end of the day we are all striving to accomplish the same thing. We are all doing what we can to be better today than we were yesterday. Don't be so harsh on people and let's strive to be empathetic and compassionate loves. :)


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