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Ripping Off the Rear View


"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter" - Dr. Seuss


So, I've had some interesting thoughts in the last week, since publishing my blog.

First, I was consumed with the possibility of embarrassing my daughter. Then, I was worried that it would impact my job. Later, I started freaking out, wondering if I had completely destroyed the idea that I'd ever find a significant other. After all, now everyone knows the secret of my past; parents, siblings, cousins, friends. I'm completely exposed and the fear is almost unbearable!

Then I thought back to the reason why I started the website in the first place. That's what you have to do when you have those panic stricken moments, where you begin to question your every decision. You go back to the "why?".

I didn't put my heart and soul into sharing my testimony for pats on the back or accolades for the progress I've made over the last 10 years, although I greatly appreciate it! I honestly started this blog because six years ago, on my way to work, I heard a voice that said, "you will write about your hardships and you will help many". That's what I heard... and now, here we are!

My past doesn't change how I perform my daily tasks, or how I do my job. It doesn't change how I interact with people, or how I make decisions. It's been there for years. It doesn't change anything just because 'now you know'.

News flash - the truth doesn't cease to exist just because you hide it or choose to ignore it. Everyone has one. Everybody has done something they're not proud of and I'm sure we'll all do more stupid stuff before we die. So let's just rip off the rear view, because it does no good to look in it anyway! :)

Here's the thing though, we are all alike in so many ways. We all have an undeniable need to be loved and accepted. We ALL do! We all crave to be part of something bigger. We all want to know we're good enough!

We also, all go through trials in life. They don't all look the same. Some seem petty while others seem like they will kill us! But at any given time, we are either coming out of a crisis or going into one. It's not something we enjoy, I know... but it's just the way it is!

It doesn't make a person any better or worse, just because the trials they choose to reveal are different. Trials are there to grow us and to help us appreciate the good times.

It's time we start looking at ourselves and our accomplishments with a sense of gratitude. Regardless of what you've done, how you look or how much money you have in the bank, positive or negative, love yourself! You can't truly love others until you wholeheartedly love and accept yourself.

Hey, I'm weird... I know I am! I'm also high strung, sassy, funny and quirky, and can get anxious and overwhelmed with a quickness. Do people always like me? Not really. That's the great thing about freedom of expression, you don't have to be who everyone else "thinks" you should be. While I love to be liked, it's not the end of the world if I'm not. People's opinion of me doesn't define who I am or what I stand for.

Always look for the small victories in your life. Don't look at how far you still have left to go, but look at how far you've actually come.

You have to know that you are good enough! Remove the negative esteem and focus on your greatness.

Don't hide your true identity because the fear of being judged and criticized outweighs your desire to be vulnerable and loved, stop doing that! Know that you have individual qualities that no other person in the entire world has!!

You are seriously amazing and beautiful and goofy and maybe even crazy (to some lol)... but there was only ONE of you created! One person in the entire world has your uniqueness. That's called Special Edition baby! :)

Keep looking forward and try not to let other people's opinions get you down.

Love y'all!


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