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The Problem With Time Is... We Think There's More.


"Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but

you cannot get more time." ~ Jim Rohn


I don't know about you, but I catch myself several times a day saying, "I'll do it in a minute", or "I'll call them tomorrow", or "oh sweettt, I have 5 minutes to spare, that's plenty of time to stop by Wal-Mart before heading to work"; yea - that's never a good one... like, ever!!

So often these days, we are rolling in the fast lane. Running from one place to the next, checking our watches at every turn because chances are we're late for our next stop.

I'm the worlds worst about this. If I've told myself once, I've done it a thousand times... "Go ahead, change your outfit one more time, girl, you have time", when in fact, my time is ticking faster than I realize.

Who's with me on this? Running around like a maniac, losing track of time; the next thing ya know it's 7:58am, you're on two wheels, drifting with the speed of the other late moms, into the school line to do a quick kid drop off, just before hitting the imaginary nitrous button, racing to get to work!!? I know I'm not the only one :)

Living on the go all the time really has an impact on every aspect of life! You feel amped-up, hurried, out of control and chaotic in a sense. Granted, I know sometimes that's just the way it has to be! Trust me, I know. I'm a single mom! Sometimes I have too many places to be and not enough ME to go around and it's hard to balance. But the fact is, there's no way you or me can function at full capacity living this way all the time. No way!

Think about it... your mind is racing, you're constantly thinking about your next move, you're asking yourself if you finished this or that, and if you have time to make it here or there. Not to mention, you set yourself up for a lot of speeding tickets, so you'll be forking out money you probably don't have. (Just my experience lol)

You don't have time to keep putting everything off. You don't have time to keep second guessing every move you make and you especially don't have time to keep saying you'll spend time with family, tomorrow! Because what if tomorrow never comes?

Contrary to popular belief, as well as my own belief, we can't just roll through the time bank drive through and withdraw more. There will come a time when you will realize time ran out, and when that happens you will live in regret. Nobody wants to live in regret!

The significance of what happened yesterday starts to deteriorate greatly when you realize your time is limited. What becomes important is the exact moment you're living in!

And in the exact moment you're living in, make sure you're doing what makes you feel alive!! Make sure that your people - your loved ones and family and friends - know that you love them! Make sure that you know what you believe and where your eternity lies. If you're uncertain about it, slow down long enough to really do the research to discover what you could be missing.

And seriously, I'm not trying to preach here, but this is the truth as I know it. If you're a believer in Jesus, stop long enough to praise Him for the grace and mercy that He gives us every single day of our lives. When the rubber meets the road, if you're unable to shut out the rest of the world and solely focus your attention on His Glory, you might miss what He's trying to share with you. I know from experience, you can't hear the subtleties of the Holy Spirit when things are loud.

Don't get to the end of the day, week or month and regret that you missed your kids game again because you had a planner filled with meetings. Spend time with the people you love, now!! Tell your parents you appreciate them, if they're still here! Tell your children how smart and amazing and adored they are! Share your joy with the people around you; there might be somebody that really needs what you, specifically, have to offer. Don't miss an opportunity to boost someones spirit! Live life now!

And remember this... at the end of the day we are all looking for the same things in life - love, acceptance, companionship, and loyalty - that's what drives us, in my opinion. Search yourself and see if that's what you're distributing to those around you. If it's not, change it up! Because we all know that what we give to the world, will always come back to us.

Spread peace and love and it will return to you!


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