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Road to Miss Bikini United States

Fear: A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.

Everyone knows of a story where someone missed out on the chance of a lifetime because they feared the unknown. Whether they were afraid to step out of their comfort zone in fear of failing, being judged and criticized, letting others down and/or looking stupid.

This has been my life for as long as I can remember.

I am a 38 year old, single mom of an amazing girl. I’m full of life, love and ambition and even on my bad days I’m pretty dang funny lol. But I am also a survivor of addiction, which has become an epidemic in the United States with more people dying of heroin overdoses than those killed in car accidents!! (linked is New York Times article - 2017)

Because of the label "drug addict" I have lived in fear for years! I had low self esteem. I didn’t feel worthy to keep quality people around, so I stayed by myself most days. I never felt good enough because I compared myself to everyone!! And to be honest, I still battle these things occasionally.

Today, I’m saying no to fear and standing up with a strong message that screams “it doesn’t matter where you’ve been, what you’ve done or HOW old you are, through perseverance and dedication you CAN achieve anything you set your mind to”!. I'm fighting to rid the labels, set by society that says that addiction is always a life sentence. It’s NOT and I’m here as proof!!! If I can beat it, anybody can!!

I’m asking y’all to join me as I journey on the road to Miss Bikini United States, held in Miami, FL, which is an international bikini and fitness model search. Here’s where I need your help, besides your moral support, I still have a few expenses and will need as many donations and/or sponsors as possible to make it to the prelim pageant, Miss Bikini Gulf States, which will be on February 24th in Montgomery, AL where I will hopefully hold the title as Miss Alabama Bikini United States. It is a short month away and I still need my gown, partial entry fee and the hotel for that weekend.

Please find link to my PayPal account here.

This truly is an amazing opportunity for me to grow, not only as a person, but as a model and I feel blessed to be a part of it!!

Thank you so much for your continued support and I look forward to making many updates with my progress on this journey into uncharted waters!! :)

Cassie Drake

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