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When Nothing is Everything


You can't have "something" without first having "nothing"....


Nothingness is defined as the "the absence or cessation of life or existence"... it is also identified as "worthlessness, insignificance, unimportance". While I can rationalize with the definition, "absence of life or existence", because technically that is the truth, for a moment. I would have never guessed the words insignificance, worthlessness or unimportance would identify nothingness. Contrary to what scientists and evolutionists think... from nothing came everything. I know this is a provocative subject, but it is my belief. It says in Genesis, the first book of the bible, that "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". The earth was formless, void and dark and with words as simple as "let there be light", life began. The fact that this entire earth began from literally nothing, to me is evidence that when we feel empty or lost or withdrawn, that it's the prime time for something really amazing to be born. It's all about perception. I can remember so many times feeling like my whole life was falling apart. After graduation; feeling the grief of separation from a loved one; after a breakup, a failure, after making a wrong decision... all those circumstances, and many others I can think of lead to a feeling nothingness deep in our spirit.

Nothingness is the perfect soil for peace and purpose to begin to grow! The fruits of nothingness are fertilized in the struggle. It's watered in the storm and strengthened in the frailty of life. It's breathed life with the fickleness and brokenness of people with whom you come in contact with. It's not in your circumstances that you experience who you actually are and the strength you exude. It's in your tenacity! Without being stretched and pulled... without being empty and broken... without the produced nothingness that life bombards on us... you would never know how tough you really are. You never really know how strong you are, until being strong is your only option! So when you find yourself in a season of solitude, feeling alone and empty; when you feel like you have no idea which direction to step, it is exactly those times when God will breathe new life into you! Chin up my friend!! Be blessed and stay strong!! Your time is coming!!


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