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Broken Pieces and Glue


The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong

at the broken places ~ Ernest Hemingway


You have to be willing to live a life of flexibility in order to walk in your purpose. I learned the hard way, if you don't value the gifts you were born to share, you can and usually DO experience delays. Sometimes I catch myself daydreaming of how life "could have been", had I just maintained a life of leisure... did the simple things... what would life be life today? 5 years wasted, literally and physically... and 10 years of "what if's", have plagued my soul. I now know the answers to most of the nagging questions I've asked myself all this time. The main answer is THIS! This blog, this testimony, this heart - with all the cracks. All the broken promises, all the pains and inconsistencies, and the random gut wrenching hits that have slowly chipped away pieces of my already fragile heart have also led me directly to the GLUE that has successfully held it all together. The glue, for me, is all the lessons I've learned. Without the tragedy there is no experience. Without the experience there is no lesson. Without the lesson, there is obviously no growth.

I have found it to be true, the harder the hit, the bigger the crack, the bigger the crack, the more glue it takes to make the repair. If we don't learn to identify the source of our feelings and where they are actually derived from, we are going to be wandering aimlessly through life with a screwed up perception of who we are. The fact is, we are all broken in some way. None of us are exempt from it. The important thing is, what we take from it and how we end up using those lessons to help others. I hope when you are going about your day, you will learn to take on the responsibility to build others up, even when they do us wrong. I know this is something I still fail at from time to time, but I know that if we could just remember the 10 to 1 rule, we would be better for it. And as it goes... for every negative word spoken it takes 10 positives to reduce the impact. Let my experiences and lessons help guide you on your daily walk and remember to BE POSITIVE!!!


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