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Writer's pictureCassie Drake

Maintaining Relationships in a Disposable Society


Relationships are like a house. When a light bulb burns out,

you don't go buy a new house, you fix the light bulb.


Everywhere you look today, people are being duped as not good enough, not pretty enough, not wearing enough makeup, wearing too much makeup, not skinny enough, not "thick" enough. Women are judging other women for looking good and taking pride in themselves, while others are getting bashed for not taking care of themselves and being overweight. We got women turning into men, men turning into women and kids as early as 12 smoking weed and having sex! The world is a complete mess and so full of self-seeking, self-absorbed people who would rather toss you aside than admit they're scared of being wrong.

The human connection is dwindling by the day and we're losing value in something that should be top priority, CHARACTER! Relationships and people are becoming part of a disposable culture and just like the trash, we're throwing them out. Just like a dirty diaper and old clothes, we're tossing friendships, girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands, wives and in some cases, our own family!

One thing becoming more and more sickening to me, is some people these days have no clue what's truly important in life. It's like the more boundaries we cross as a society, the more people think it's the "norm" to keep crossing them. So many boundaries are crossed that we don't even know what's right and wrong anymore.

We are continuing to aid this culture of non-intimate, non-emotional, babies that don't know the first thing about real life! People don't know how to stay anymore when things get hard. All it takes is one wrong word to be spoken and poof, 'SHE GONE'. (Just to clarify here, this does not mean to stay in an abusive or demeaning relationship, if you are in that situation, please get out!!). I'm just saying, people don't know how to NOT GET THEIR WAY ANYMORE, and I'll be the first one to tell you, I like my way too! We live in a microwave world where we want instant results: we want what we want, and we want it now... and because of that mindset, we continue to lose value in people. We only value OURSELVES!

I just went through a situation a couple of weeks ago where I went on a date with a guy I didn't know and nice looking by the way, and I know he will probably read this... but truth is truth. After a few drinks he not only told me how "insecure he thought I was and how I needed someone to tell me what to do", which I thought was funny, everyone is insecure at some level or another, but also got a little too handsy for a first date with someone I DON'T know. And, hey, he was cute but when I say "stop, don't do that, hold up", or WHATEVER term I choose to use, whether I'm laughing, being rude or screaming, THAT IS MY BOUNDARY and that is what should be respected!! I tried to communicate that the next day and instead of him talking in a humble manner and being understanding to my experiences, he chose to be arrogant, condescending and down right rude! Instead of saying, "you're right I should have listened", he put the burden in my lap saying I was judging him for all the other men I had dated lol.

All it takes is a little bit of communication to makes things work! Listening to the 'WHY' is just as important as listening to the what, if you can follow that! Holding out on communication most times, is called pride. And here's the thing... The more time that passes, the harder it becomes to repair the break! That's why it's so important to be humble and to forgive quickly! There's a fine line between being prideful and standing up for what you believe in. I've done both, and the consequences are much worse every time I've been haughty and puffed out.

See... what we've become accustom to is projecting our own insecurities onto other people and then we turn those projections into misrepresented "bad qualities" to which we excuse our own behavior. If you can make any sense of that?

When we pick someone else's flaws apart, it makes it easier for us to dispose of that person! Does it not? It helps us to over-think the wrongs and completely ignore the rights... every time!

I hope as we continue to morally label ourselves GOOD PEOPLE, we can start to set aside the very differences that make this world go 'round! After all, differences are what allows us to operate in our calling, each person has a certain job and a certain personality trait to represent... and that is what creates unity!!

I hope we can learn to trust the process of the human connection and we can start to see only the best in people, as we all only want OUR best to shine and stop thinking we can just throw people away just because they don't display the level of excellence we THINK they should.

You seriously never know what a person has gone through or is going through at the moment of contact so at least try to take that into consideration and be kind! And yes, I'm talking to myself too... I'm not always the nicest person in the world either.

Remember, you reap what you sow. Love people to the best of your ability and you will be loved back.

Love is the only thing that heals!


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