Have you ever gotten to a place in life where you begin to question everyTHING and everyONE who has either been in your life or who is there now, and you start to ask yourself what in the actual heck is going on!?
We all get there at some point... some, later than others.
I'm talking about friends, acquaintances, work associates, AND "dateys" (yes I made that word up - ha).... the ones who compliment you and the ones who create chaos. The ones who tell you the truth and the ones who lie like a rug. The ones who talk behind your back and the ones who protect you at all costs!
And then there are the ones that pretend. They pretend to be good; they pretend to have your best interest at heart and yet, they would like nothing more than to see you at your weakest. Even in this CRAZY, messed up world, I'm still amazed that there are REALLY people who befriend you and then do things to intentionally sabotage your sanity and will do anything possible to take your smile AND your power away to take it for their own.
There are all different kinds that contribute to our journey but from my experience, the counterfeit people are the ones who have made the biggest impact. And that's really sad...
The saddest thing of all though, is when the counterfeits end up being in your circle!! They're the ones you'd never expect betrayal from, because WHY would someone call themselves your friend and actually set out to hurt you!?

I will never understand why people are so cray cray....
But anyway, while I know it clearly says in the bible that we aren't created to be alone, I can assure you that there are seasons where God will create a space for you to put people in the balcony so you can reset the boundaries.
Just to help set the standard, these are 5 types to put in the LIFE BALCONY:
Those who constantly criticize you.
Those who only love you as long as they can use you.
Especially those who talk down to you!! You're not beneath anybody and NEVER adapt to that mentality.
Those who lie and cheat and don't have the capacity to admit it and make it right.
Last but not least, ANYBODY who creates discord, doubt, pain and strife.
Maybe you can continue to love these people from a distance, but either way put them in the balcony. Even if it's your fam!!!
Do not allow those who fail at having their own peace to swoop in and take yours!!
It will hurt and it will be hard but I promise it will be easier than watching someone disrupt your entire being all while you allow them to do so.
It all starts with a thought and ends with an action... stay motivated and strong and the sky is the limit!