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Writer's pictureCassie Drake


The words "fear not" appear in the bible 365 times. The way I see it, that's one "fear not" for every day! Which basically means, you better start with that mindset in the morning 'cause you only get one reminder to let it go lol.

If we are told to fear not 365 times by our creator, whyyy is FEAR the third emotion MOST FELT among people in the world!!? It is just baffling to me that we are all connected by these crazy things called emotions, and fear!!

Don't get me wrong, all fear isn't bad. There are certain times that fear saves our lives!! But other times, it has the potential to keep us in situations/relationships/jobs we have far outgrown. It makes us hold on to things entirely too tight cutting off the air supply that keeps it alive. And not to be a Debbie downer, but at the end of the day it can cut off our own air supply causing health and emotional problems that can lead to death!

Ask yourself these questions: What would you do differently if fear wasn't present!? Where would you go? What experiences are you missing out on? Who would you be!? Who would you be WITH!?? If you removed, "what would people think if you did that", what would happen!?? It's crazy right!! Because the real truth is, life is too dang short and also, the people's opinion you're worried about probably don't even think about you anyway lol so why do you care!?

Fear, for me, feels like that "fight or flight" 'sinking heart, omg what am I gonna dooo', feeling... it takes my breath, my heart races, my hands tremble... it causes an intense sense of urgency that makes me feel like I need to do something RIGHT NOW!!! I NEED THE ANSWERS RIGHT THIS SECOND OR I'M GOING TO DIE!!! It's really that intense.

And the fear can arise for any reason!! But it's mostly when plans change, when I feel like I'm being rejected, when I feel like I'm being lied to or cheated on, when I feel like I don't know what the end goal is? It has to be a trauma response from past experiences!! That's the thing about experience, it gives us wisdom on what not to do, but it also gives us symptom's from what's already been done!!!

Another fear I struggle with, which maybe you can identify with more, is feeling like I'm losing money!! Not necessarily because it's coming out of my account (which it isss because I'm spending it too much lol), but because there are a million different things I could be doing to MAKE money and I'm too afraid to take the step because 'what if I fail'?!! I spend so much time thinking "there has to be something more", "there has to be some kind of business I can start", something!! People are making tons of money doing the craziest things right now and I'm just over here sitting on my hands in FEARRR of failure!!!

Life is too short for this y'all!!!! And I am talking to myself here!!! We gotta do better!!! We gotta HELP each other do and BE better!!!! There is already chaos, judgements, condemnation and disapproval coming from enough people in this world, we don't need any help creating this in ourselves.

Let's focus on our goals, because after all, if you don't know where to aim then you're going to miss the shot 100% of the time!!! Be gentle with yourself. There's a time for aggression and a time for grace. You're NOT going to be perfect all of the time!! You're just not!! Remember, having faith even as small as a mustard seed (and that's pretty dang tiny), you can move mountains!!

To end, if you made it this far, I will leave you with this:

"You unbelieving and perverse generation," Jesus replied, "how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me".

Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed that moment. Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, "Why couldn't we drive it out?"

He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as SMALL AS A MUSTARD SEED, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17 - 21


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Oct 14, 2022

thanks for accepting my friend request, and the for some reason something told me to read this post. i needed to here this, thanks for sharing my friend 🙏 i am saved by the blood of Jesus, the old is no longer, i am a new creation.! I died for 37 minutes and was frozen and warm back up after a week and today I am perfectly healthy I have seen some stuff and I can tell you eternal life is real..🙏🙌

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