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Writer's pictureCassie Drake


Why do we connect so easily with some people, but not with others?

Wellll, I believe it's because of the aura that surrounds each of us, or spirit, if you will. A spiritual 'ray of light' that's deeply rooted in each of us, that goes far deeper than the physical. It's spiritual on a whole different level!

Our aura, I believe, is the very essence of who we are to our core. It's the journey's that brought us to where we are. The lessons we've learned along the way. Our morals, values and our truths. Connections see and feel the truth whether it's spoken or not and you become one without even touching, and time, well it means nothing to it!!

Connection is found to be a survival instinct, just as important as food and water! Several years ago I wouldn't have believed any of this! I didn't think affection and/or connection meant anything to me, little did I know... it's our brain and hearts life long passion and it's embedded in our operating system. When "the missing piece" is absent, the amygdala (a part of the brain that I didn't know existed until I researched this topic :)) actually acts as a built in alarm system and triggers an emotional response. That's why it feels so intense when your person is away.

It's something I didn't think I'd feel again. And to be honest, I was perfectly content with that!! I didn't wanna feel it!! I was fine being alone, in my own little world, in my own minuscule bubble. I was untouchable there. I couldn't be hurt. But I couldn't be loved either... and that's the tragic part.

I see now that it's a blessing to be that close to someone. To see tears stream down another persons face. To know the struggles they overcome. Hearing their worries, successes and joys! Or feeling the happiness of a love story!! That's what I've been missing.

The courage and resilience of someone, once a stranger but now joined by this unseen force... it's crazy. We think everybody is so different but at the end of the day, we're not!! We all crave love and connection. Some may be closer than others, and some more distant. And some spirits will be engrained in you forever, like your own shadow. An unbreakable bond.

To be your true authentic self, undeniably holding nothing back! That's what makes life REAL and raw and great! To really see and be seen by another, despite the countless insecurities, flaws and fears, that's the truest form of intimacy.

I don't want anything else BUT that for the rest of my life.

Once you have connection in it's truest form, nothing else will work.

So I just want to leave you with one thing. Don't let life pass you by while you just go through the motions. You might not even have tomorrow!!! WE don't know! Live a life that when you look back on it, it isn't filled with the regret of, "I wish I had done this or that"... make sure you are loving and being loved in whatever capacity that looks like.

Love is our true destiny...


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