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Writer's pictureCassie Drake


Updated: Jun 27, 2023

You never think the last time is REALLY the last time... we allllll fall victim to thinking we have forever, whether it be in a relationship or just in an ordinary day!

We think WE are the ones that are exempt from it!

Maybe it's a knock on the door from the police asking you to go identify your persons body or maybe it's a call from your mom saying, "get to the hospital now, we don't have much time".

Or maybe you get a throat punch from the doctor using the C word, like me and my family received about my dad, and all you can hear is a bunch of mumbling, only to make out the word ----- "CANCER".

These are the events that create a before and after scenario. We are never the same after that!

Some choose to start living their best lives, while others choose to wallow in self defeat, sadly becoming overwhelmed with the 'victim mentality'.

The WORST thing you can do when you're feeling down is to start looking inward at how 'bad things are', the second worst thing is to turn on the news or scroll social media!!!! DON'T DO IT!!!

We are surrounded by negativity and division like never before!!! Why do you think the suicide rate is so high!?? Because people are losing HOPE that it's ever gonna get better!!

Somehow, someway, we have to find a way to dig into the depths of our soul and remind ourselves who we are and what we are made of!!

I battle different emotions even still, especially after losing my dad. I go from being super positive and ready to conquer the world RIGHT NOW, to wanting to push everything away to go ahead and plan my funeral!

Some days I have an attitude that can tear you apart and others I cry about the silliest things. And guess what, ALL of these stages are completely normal! It's called LIFE!

As I have said probably in the last 4 posts, we only have one body and one life!! We can not sit around wishing for 'better days' or 'hoping for a better outcome'... we have to MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS AND CHOOSE OUR OWN OUTCOMES!! Nobody else can do it for you!!!!

I wish I could say that I haven't wasted any time! In my past I have wasted words on people that probably didn't deserve the air I used to speak, and I have wasted time on relationships hoping and praying for a desired outcome that never came!

Do we learn lessons in the meantime of waiting? Yes, of course we do! But that time is gone forever!!! STOP WAISTING PRECIOUS TIME!!!

THE ONLY THING WE EVEN HAVE AT THE END OF THE DAY IS OUR TIME AND OUR TRUTH!!!! Everything else is fleeting! Gone in the blink of an eye!!

So choose wisely!!!!

And as always, I'll leave you with the sammmee words.... Stop wasting time!! Say what you mean and mean what you say!!! Eat good and healthy fooooddss.

Live your life the way YOU want to live it (#1 because people are going to judge you regardless, and #2 there are no do overs, there are only RE-INVENTIONS). And lastly, LOVE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!!! Ohh, and don't lie!

That is all...


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